Giovani ed anziani, ossessioni, ripartenze e fermate, rari profumi che miscelati assieme si trasformano in forti maleodoranze, male do ranze, ansie, risate, colpi di tosse, ripetizioni, istinti, rumori.
E' solo musica urbana, che però riesce con i suoni a descrivere efficacemente il trasporto e il viaggio, che ci fa riflettere sull' eterno concetto di movimento.
The train is still the means of transport that offers the greatest opportunity to observe all social classes traveling together, who lost in their own business, but those who desire to share moments, real or virtual.
Young and old, obsessions, restarts and stops, rare scents mixed together they become strong smell, male who bad fart, anxiety, laughter, coughing, repetition, instincts, noise.
It 's just urban music, but the sounds can effectively describe the transport and the journey that makes us reflect on' eternal concept of movement.
:D bello.